Posted on: Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Little lion tamer.

Astride the mighty lion, Violet is brave enough to withstand the heated game of tickle tearing through the house at high speeds. Normally these games send her hiding in her room or lolling about on the couch with her blanket, shrieking "No! Don't tickle!" while she flails her feet out in an effort to keep any transgressors away from her.

But today I am chasing Madeleine through the house, and she is shrieking with laughter, running but waiting for me to catch her so I can send her into fits of breathless giggles, and Violet is on the rocking lion, pressing its ears so it roars when we get too close. Her eyes are bright with joy and from the way she's watching us I know she wants to be involved, and I know not to push her too much.

So on the next pass through the room where Violet rides the lion, I break from the chase and veer toward her. She shrieks with laughter too and frantically presses the lion's ear so it ROARS ROARS ROARS. I can tell this is supposed to be a deterrent so I shout in mock fear and scurry away from her. She laughs and laughs. Mad skitters into the room and shouts, "Mom, aren't you going to chase me?" So I take off after her with a start. And the chase resumes.

This time Violet jumps in and joins the chase, running from me, and goes straight to her lion when we pass through the room where it rests, waiting for her. Another press of the lion's ear sends me screaming away in terror, and the chase is back on. And on and on, until the tired little warrior and the exhausted little lion tamer are ready for bed.

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