Posted on: Wednesday, October 21, 2015

In a Fashion

My darling, my dear, I have been listening
to sad songs for you. Sorrow fits you well,
like a coat with sleeves that touch the exact
right point on your wrists. It's just right, it's
perfect. You could button it and sit snug in
your sorrow. It could protect you from the
cold. I want to help you with the buttons. I
want to suggest accessories. I want you to
wear it with flouncy skirts and sparkly shoes
and dance in shadows. You could kick your
feet to these sad songs and twirl. You could
wear your tears like the finest jewels. And
you could still smile. And when the song is
over you could remove the coat and hang it
on a hook. You could come back to it, if you
needed. You could move on and walk in the
light, if you wanted.

Posted on: Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Another Anger

When did your mouth harbor a tempest
How did it grow, what sparks of thought
traveled the length of your tongue
to unleash a torrent

You screamed that I deserved it
You screamed that your anger is sadness
You slammed a door

Oh, you complicated girl

You turn to leave, feet commanding

hands summoning another slammed door.

Still. Your fury flies your hair as you turn
It catches the light in the hall

and for a moment all I see is gold.

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