Posted on: Friday, February 25, 2011

Brave limbs reaching up for the sun.

Perhaps you can walk the length of the sidewalk and keep your head up, and notice the sprouts shooting from optimistic trees and brave limbs reaching up for the sun. Maybe it's chilly when the wind blows and you wrap your arms around yourself. The sun still feels so good, surprising, this unexpected blessing you are just starting to get used to. So spring better come, and soon.

Maybe you've got some dim unformed dream of a well-organized life, proactive decisions, fully built dreams you hold firmly in hand, energized by the very act of breathing, motivated to try for more because -- Why not? Don't you deserve more?

Oh, this pressure.

For now, maybe you can just keep walking, keep your head up, feel the expanse of blue sky -- and receive it like a benediction. These blessings are yours, after all. The sprouts, the chilly wind, the brave limbs. And you know what? Yours are brave, too.

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