Posted on: Friday, August 6, 2010

Wink from the universe.

Yesterday was terrible. I mean, awful. Culminating in me coming back to my margarita later in the evening only to find a salt-encrusted fly floating in it. Seriously.

I just didn't see the lovely in yesterday, not at all.

And that's the problem with life, if I may be painfully obvious. We get so stuck in the muck when things feel awful that it's hard to take a step out of the muck and find something pleasant. To even recognize lovely. When you're mired in awfulness, lovely can be a foreign, unfamiliar thing.

So I thought about it and remembered that yesterday morning, before the day had really much begun, I stopped to get coffee. And some kind soul had left a large amount of money with the cashier to pay for other people's coffee: my scone and latte were free of charge, as was the coffee of the five people and everyone who was behind me.

What a lovely gesture of generosity.

And in the afternoon, leaving work for the last time, I got a little wink from the universe when I turned on my car and heard a snippet of lyrics that perfectly encapsulated exactly what I was feeling right then. It felt like a confirmation that I made the right choice to leave, and it was something I needed to hear just then. Thank you, universe.

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