Posted on: Monday, August 30, 2010

Random Acts of Lovely

We the people need to be more engaged. That's what I think. And we ought to seek out lovely things. And! And! We need to spread the loveliness. There's magic in it, I swear, when you notice a little something that makes your day, or at least makes you smile even a little bit. There is magic in making people smile! With this in mind, I've decided to start a little project called Random Acts of Lovely, wherein I will try do little lovely things at least once a week and document them here.
This is my first attempt, just a quick jotted note on a post-it placed just so on the bathroom mirror in the public bathroom of the building where I work. Women so often look in the mirror and think decidedly un-lovely things. We shouldn't do that. Maybe this post-it will be an eensy little reminder for the women who happen through there today.

PS If anyone who reads this is inspired to commit their own Random Act of Lovely, send me a note and tell me about it. Take pictures! I will post them here on the bloggity blahg. [Email amberlynn underscore scott at yahoo dot com].


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