Posted on: Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Three different lovelies.

There's a cuff on my wrist embroidered with the words "be still." I told Madeleine I like those words on my wrist because it's a reminder that when life gets crazy, it's a good idea to slow down, to be still, and enjoy it. Mad's eyes get big. "Mama. Do you want to see something crazy?" she asks in a hushed voice. "Uhhh....yes?" I tell her, uncertain, and she runs through the house like an insane chimp, screaming her head off.


Violet greets me in the doorway when I get home from work. "Mama! Mama! Can I take dance classes? I like dancing. I want to take dance classes because I am a kid."


It's spring, and after a week of warmth and sunshine, this week has been increasingly gray and cold. Today everything is blanketed with a constant, soft drizzle. I'm listening to Chris Bathgate in the car and for some reason everything feels nostalgic. I pour iced tea into my glass when I meet friends at a restaurant, and the silence of the simple action is inviting; I want to dive into it. There is the clank of people eating, the low buzz of people talking, and the silence of pouring tea. It's like shelter in a storm. I drive back to work in the rain, thinking about wild loves and movie romances and decide they probably do exist somewhere. For a minute I believe sudden love can spring instantly from touched palms in a nice-to-meet you handshake.

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