Thinking we're all the same helps yank me out of the world in my head, pulls me from that place where my problems seem insurmountable and my joys must be bigger than the world because they're happening to me. God, how exhausting. How heavy.
Instead I look around at all these people, who look different and talk differently and are different ages and come from different backgrounds, and think, I'm no different than you. You've been here before. Maybe you are there right now. And suddenly my life feels exactly as large and as small as it should be, and I look at these unfamiliar faces and feel such an incredible warmth toward them. I want to grab them and say, "Isn't it great how we're sharing this experience?"
How comforting this is, to walk in the world and suddenly realize that you belong to it -- and not the other way around. And that there are millions of people in the world who are just the same, resting in the arms of a wide, accepting universe. Resting even if they're thrashing against it because on a grand enough scale, from a far enough perspective, even the most dramatic movements will be imperceptible. We're all still in this place, and even time doesn't matter.
How wonderful to be somewhere where you feel so inspired and creative. I'm sure you have missed it.