Posted on: Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Adding more kindness.

I'm not having the greatest couple of days, upset over circumstances that are actually in my control but suck anyway - basically, I've mucked some things up without meaning to - and am feeling all around crummy today. Then I popped over to Zoot and read her post, You offered me much more than your umbrella.

And suddenly I'm feeling so much better. It gave me a bit of much-needed perspective. Circumstances may not be good, but the isolated beauty of someone offering another person their umbrella in the rain? To me, it's kind of the point of everything. Kindness, the offer of shelter, the serving of others, self-sacrifice. And when you are looking for moments like that, they are suddenly not isolated at all, not when you are inspired to share the moment with others, to repay those moments in turn. Just beautiful.

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